How to setup an environment for Flutter in MacOS

2 min readJan 1, 2019


This article is updated at 26th October 2019, the latest version of flutter is 1.10.7 and the version of dart is 2.6.0. You may check your current version in your Terminal by typing flutter --version.

Install Flutter SDK

1. Install Flutter SDK from the official website.

2. Move the unzipped folder to $HOME directory. (Recommended)

3. Set Flutter path in your ~/.zshrc file. (Recommended)

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin"

4. Run source to reload ~/.zshrc

$ source ~/.zshrc

5. Run flutter doctor to check if something is missing

$ flutter doctor

Android Environment

1. Run flutter doctor with flag --android-licenses to add licenses.

$ flutter doctor --android-licenses

2. Install Android Studio —

2. Follow Android Studio Tutorial Guide to install Andriod SDK and AVD.

3. In the welcome page of Android Studio, select Configure on the buttom right and further selectPlugins.


4. Setup the virtual machine with AVD manager.

5. Search flutter and install it

Install Visual Studio Code

  1. Go to

2. Go to plugin section, search Flutter and click install





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